CyberbeveiligingswetThe NIS2 directive, which strengthens digital resilience across the European Union, will be implemented in the Netherlands as the Cyberbeveiligingswet (Cbw). This new law replaces the previous NIS directive and imposes stricter requirements on cybersecurity and the protection of critical infrastructures, such as the energy, transport and health sectors.

The Cyberbeveiligingswet ensures that companies and government bodies are better prepared for cyber threats and that the consequences of incidents are dealt with faster and more effectively. Through this law, Dutch organisations comply with the European obligations of NIS2.

In Belgium, the NIS2 directive is implemented under the name Wet betreffende de Beveiliging van Netwerken en Informatiesystemen (also known as the NIS law). As in the Netherlands, this law aims to strengthen the cyber resilience of essential services and digital service providers and ensure better coordination in case of cyber incidents. The Belgian NIS Act ensures that companies and governments in critical sectors comply with the new European NIS2 requirements.