pexels brett jordan 10044789 ⋆ Brand ComplianceWhat is ISO 19770-1?

ISO 19770-1 is a management system aimed at controlling IT assets. The standard includes an overview of the various categories of IT assets. This standard provides an overview of the different categories of IT assets and looks at these categories in a process-oriented way, taking into account the different steps in the lifecycle. In addition, the interaction with other related processes, such as a financial process or an Information Security process, is also examined, using a risk-based approach.

Why ISO 19770-1?

The interests of IT assets in an organization are tremendous. One example is financial risk (failing license management may lead to unnecessary costs or fines). A second example is the information security risk. Information security is essential to an organization, IT asset management (ITAM) is a vital part of it. For this reason, every organization should consider implementing an IT asset management system.

What can Brand Compliance do for you?

Introductory meeting

By scheduling a free introductory meeting with one of our account managers, you will gain insight into whether ISO 19770-1 is suitable for your organization. You can learn to understand the difference with other relevant standards and know which requirements you have to meet.


Our ISO/IEC 19770-1 training is delivered by expert trainers and is aimed at ITAM professionals who want to help organizations achieve ISO/IEC 19770-1 certification. Topics covered are the application of ISO/IEC 19770-1, the operation of the management system, building the business case, audit preparation and continuous improvement. The course offers participants the opportunity to earn an individual qualification (ISO/IEC 19770-1 Practitioner).

Gap analysis

Already followed a training course and/or implemented the standard within your organization? Then our GAP analysis offers the solution to assess when you are ready for certification. The GAP analysis is used to identify the differences (the GAP) between the current situation and the desired situation. This GAP analysis is a valuable tool to assess whether your organization is ready for certification against ISO 19770-1, the international standard for IT Asset Management.


Certification is the last step in the process of showing the outside world that you have your IT asset management in order. An independent assessment by Brand Compliance makes your reliability visible.

Certification is a way for organizations to show that they control their IT assets (for instance, vendor’s licences). The IT asset management department can show the organization’s management independent evidence that they are in control of their activities. Certification sets IT asset management on the agenda of the board.

ISO 19770-1 is a management system standard that links up to the High Level Structure that ISO introduced for management system certification This makes it possible to integrate this standard with other management system standards, such as ISO 27001 and ISO 9001.

Collaboration Brand Compliance – ITAM Forum

The ITAM Forum is an international organization promoting IT asset management worldwide. The ITAM Forum attaches great importance to high-quality certification and has ensured the creation of a workable certification scheme (ISO 19770-11) and additional quality requirements.

Brand Compliance has entered into a licensing agreement with the ITAM Forum regarding the use of these additional quality requirements. Brand Compliance is the only certification body globally that can execute these certification paths following the ITAM Forum’s highest quality demands.

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