We are proud to announce that in February 2023, Brand Compliance has issued the world’s first two certificates for ISO 19770-1, the international standard for IT asset management (ITAM). The first two organizations to meet the requirements of this standard are Noventiq Northern Europe and HDI. Congratulations!

ISO 19770-1

ISO 19770-1ITAM is an international standard designed to help organizations manage their IT operations. This includes management of hardware, software, licenses, documentation and other IT activities. ITAM’s goal is to maximize the value of IT assets by reducing costs, improving performance and reducing risk. ITAM also includes IT contract management, IT inventory management, IT services management, and IT security management.

ITAM Forum

In 2022, Brand Compliance first came into contact with the ITAM Forum, an international organization aimed at advancing IT asset management in the world. The ITAM forum is led by ITAM experts and is supported by parties who attach great importance to ITAM. The aim is, among other things, to increase the attention for IT asset management worldwide and to develop a certification scheme. After all, each standard requires a certification scheme that describes how a certification audit should be carried out.

The ITAM Forum attaches great importance to good quality certification and has ensured the creation of a workable certification scheme (ISO 19770-11) and a document with additional quality requirements. Brand Compliance has contributed to the establishment of the additional requirements and after completing this step, Brand Compliance has started conducting ITAM certification audits under the established additional conditions.


Our auditor, Yorick Heijink, went through the first certification processes together with our customers and thought it was special to be involved in a new certification process in a sector that had not yet been certified. Yorick sees relevance for IT asset management for all types of organizations, large and small, especially when the impact of resources within organizations increases.


Are you (possibly) interested in having your organization certified against ISO 19770-1 and thus be able to demonstrate that your organization manages its IT activities in accordance with a certain quality level? Please contact our Account Manager Jade, she will be happy to tell you more about it!