From now on, you can contact us for ISO 14001 certification, an important step towards sustainable environmental management. We offer this certification because there is high demand from our current and potential customers for environmental management certification. With ISO 14001 certification, you demonstrate that your organization meets international standards in environmental management and strengthen your position in a market where sustainability is becoming increasingly more important.

ISO 14001-CertificeringUpdates and trends in ISO 14001

Some trends which caught our eye:

  • Integration of management systems: More and more companies are combining ISO 14001 with other standards such as ISO 9001 (quality management) and ISO 45001 (health and safety management) to more efficiently meet multiple requirements within their organization.
  • Life cycle thinking and circular economy: The focus within environmental management is increasingly shifting to involving the full life cycle of products and processes. This is in line with the growing focus on the circular economy, minimizing waste and reusing raw materials.
  • Sustainability reporting and transparency: There is an increasing demand for sustainability reporting. Companies are increasingly being asked to disclose their environmental performance, which can have a positive impact on their reputation and competitive position.

We are happy to guide you towards your ISO 14001 certification so that you are ready for the future. Contact us today for more information!