The Brand Compliance glossary
3 min. leestijd
In the world of certifications, there are a lot of specific words and concepts that are not often used in daily life. What do they all mean? We can imagine that it makes you dizzy! That is why we have compiled this glossary. We provide a brief explanation for each term.
An accreditation is an independent confirmation by a competent authority about the expertise, impartiality and independence of a conformity assessment body (CAB) – see below for explanation CAB.
A process of examining to obtain objective evidence and objectively assessing this evidence to determine the extent to which the requirements of a particular standard are met.
Audit findings
The outcomes resulting from the assessment of the collected evidence from the audit, based on the audit criteria.
Audit conclusion
Final result of an audit after considering the audit objectives and all audit findings.
Audit criteria
The set of policies and procedures against which evidence is tested.
Audit cycle
An audit cycle concerns the validity period of a certification. A new certification starts with an initial audit (consisting of 2 stages). The following 2 years, an annual surveillance audit takes place, followed by a recertification, in which it is determined whether the certification can be maintained. When that is the case, a new audit cycle unfolds: another 2 years of a surveillance audit and then recertification. Etcetera.
The organization where the audit is performed.
Audit plan
The planning of the activities performed during the audit.
Audit programme
The set of audits scheduled in a specified period to grant and maintain a certification during the audit cycle.
Audit team
One or more Brand Compliance auditors performing the audit. The audit team can be supported by technical experts.
A certification in a independent confirmation by a conformity assessment body (CAB) that products, management systems or persons meet specific requirements.
Meeting a requirement (of a standard). Conformity assessment is the process of demonstrating whether the established requirements for a product, process, service, system, person or body have been met.
Conformity Assessment Body (CAB)
A CAB is a body that carries out conformity assessment activities. There are different forms of conformity assessment, for example testing, certification and inspection. Certification is therefore one of the forms of conformity assessment.
Action based on a determined nonconformity. By means of a correction, what has gone wrong (in the past) is restored.
Corrective action
Action based on a determined nonconformity. In order to prevent a recurrence of a nonconformity, so-called ‘corrective actions’ must be taken in which the established cause, which underlies the nonconformity, is removed.
Documented information
Information that an organization must manage and maintain and the medium in which this information is recorded.
A person designated by the auditee to guide the audit team throughout the day.
(Lead) auditor
The Brand Compliance employee who performs the audit. The Lead Auditor is the main responsible when there is a team of several auditors.
Management system
All parts of an organization needed to establish policies and objectives along with the processes required to achieve those objectives. Continuous improvement is central to a management system, the so-called PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle.
An established process (method) to determine a particular value.
Determining the operation of a system, process, service or activity.
An auditor, employee or customer can determine a nonconformity if a requirement from the standard to be certified is not met. A nonconformity must be resolved in order to proceed with certification. There are 2 levels of nonconformities: a major nonconformity and a minor nonconformity.
This determines how something should be in terms of rules and guidelines, and contains/ forms/ creates a norm. It can serve as a reference to check whether the rules/ norms are complied with or followed in a specific case. It provides clarity about what is and is not acceptable. It sets a standard.
A predetermined result to be achieved.
Objective evidence
Data that substantiate the existence or truth of something.
A person who accompanies the audit team, but does not formally act as an auditor. For example, an auditor in training who may perform parts of the audit under the supervision of the Lead Auditor.
Precautionary action
An action taken to prevent the cause of a possible future nonconformity.
All activities that are deployed or used to deliver an intended result.
A scope is an activity/operation for which an organization is or wants to be certified.
Technical expert
A Brand Compliance employee who adds specific knowledge or expertise to the audit team, without acting as an auditor.
Confirmation that specified requirements have been met by providing objective evidence.
Hopefully our glossary has made you wiser or cleared things up for you. Do you still have questions or are you missing terms in the list? Please feel free to contact us.