Would you like to have your organization certified, but don’t know where to start? To put things in order for you, we have drawn up a certification checklist with the steps required to achieve certification. If you follow the steps below in this order, you could just end up with a certificate in your hands!
Purchase the standard you would like to implement (for example via the NEN or NBN).
Follow a training to obtain the necessary knowledge about the relevant standard, for example via our BC Academy.
Implement the management system in your organization and ensure that it meets the requirements of the standard.
Carry out an internal audit to check whether the management system is working properly and to assess whether your system meets the standard requirements.
Management must review the results of the internal audit and take any corrective action. You record the conclusion about meeting the requirements in the management review.
Once you have determined that your organization meets the requirements of the standard, our auditor will independently assess whether your management system meets the requirements.
If your organization meets the standard requirements, we will provide you with a certificate.
Would you like to go through the step-by-step plan with one of our specialists? Feel free to contact us.